Current Projects


A key objective of the Visualization and Data Analysis project is to develop new visualization libraries and systems to meet capability requirements for ASC simulations. This work is required to address ASC workloads: massive data sizes, complex results, and the use of unique supercomputing architectures. ASC simulations are currently producing massive amounts of data that threaten to outstrip the ability to visualize and analyze it. Therefore, it is important to understand how to triage data within the simulation as it is generated using techniques such as in-situ analysis for data reduction and visualization kernels that run on the supercomputing platform, including data analysis, visualization, and rendering methods. Cinema and workflow capabilities such as in-situ feature detection and post-processing algorithms, assist scientists in understanding data and making discoveries.

Integrated in

Past Projects


The ASC Production project supports a wide range of production activities for the LANL ASC program. It helps users understand their data with visualization and data analysis on exceptionally large data. It provides software on supercomputers, support and training for that software, and can produce analyses for users as well. It also identifies needed visualization and data analysis research and development tasks in order to facilitate needs of end users. ASC users can get routed to us through the normal LANL supercomputing support channels, or they can call us directly.


The ASC Burst Buffer Next Generation Computing Technology project is aimed at high-risk, high-reward investigations that can enable ASC codes on new system architectures. The CSSE Burst Buffer investigation will look into alternative hierarchical storage technologies for support of in situ analysis, out-of-core processing, and data management. With the progressive march towards ever larger and faster HPC platforms, the discrepancy between the bandwidth available to the collective set of compute nodes and the bandwidth available on traditional parallel file systems utilizing hard disks has become mismatched. Rather than purchasing additional disks to increase bandwidth (beyond what is required for capacity requirements), the concept of a burst buffer has been proposed to impedance match the compute nodes to the storage system. A burst buffer is an allocation of fast, likely solid state, storage that is capable of absorbing a burst of I/O activity, which can then be slowly drained to a parallel file system while computation resumes within the running application. The original design intent of such a system was to handle the I/O workload commonly seen in the checkpoint-restart process which many current HPC applications use to handle faults. In ASC CSSE R&D, the CCS-7 data science at scale team has been exploring alternative uses for burst buffers to support Trinity, the first supercomputer to utilize burst buffer systems. We seek to use Trinity burst-buffers to improve scale-out performance of visualization and analysis tasks, which are typically I/O bound. This scale-out performance requires innovative design changes in the supercomputer architecture, such as burst buffers, and changes in the typical HPC analysis workflow, from traditional post-processing, to new in situ and in transit analytics. For example, the development of an ‘in-transit’ solution for data analytics, that utilize burst buffer technology, requires an understanding of the burst buffer’s capabilities. In support of this, a prototype burst buffer system has been constructed using estimates of expected technology and deployment strategy from the LANL Trinity project. Initial testing was completed on this prototype burst buffer in order to determine bandwidth capabilities (for both file read and write) under various I/O conditions, to determine how quickly data could be ingested and read back into memory for use, along with testing under analysis workload conditions. Future work will continue development on prototype Trinity hardware to develop new workflows to support exascale supercomputing.

PINION is a portable, data-parallel software framework for physics simulations. PINION data structures allow scientists to program in a way that maps easily to the problem domain, while PINION operators provide data-parallel implementations of analysis and computational functions often used in physics simulations. Backend implementations of data parallel primitives are being optimized for emerging supercomputer hardware architectures such as Intel Xeon Phi (MIC).