Gagan Agrawal is an educator and researcher in Computer Science and Engineering, currently a professor at the Ohio State University. He has published more than 170 papers in his 19 year research career. He has graduated 12 Ph.Ds (currently working with another 11 Ph.D students) and his research has been supported by more than 7 million dollars of funding from government agencies. Gagan has conducted research in a number of computer science areas, including parallel and distributed systems and applications, data-intensive computing, compilers, middleware systems, data mining, data integration, web search, and web/grid services. His current research focuses on a number of topics, including issues in programming emerging multi-core machines and GPGPUs, deep web search, time-critical/adaptive systems, and data-intensive computing. He has taught graduate and undergraduate classes in operating systems, distributed systems, computer architecture, and compilers. In addition to his research and teaching responsibilities at Ohio State, Gagan has served as the graduate program chair for his department at Ohio State since 2003.
